



吉川雅則. 吸入療法 今日の治療指針2019 医学書院

藤田幸男, 室繁郎. ACO(Asthma and COPD Overlap)の疾患概念と診療 Pharma Medica 2019 メディカルレビュー社

室繁郎. 末梢気道病変 内科学書 改訂第9版 2019 中山書店

熊本牧子, 室繁郎. 気腫合併間質性肺炎(CPFE) 呼吸器内科 2019 科学評論社

藤田幸男、山内基雄. 中枢性睡眠時無呼吸(CSA)の病態生理 呼吸器ジャーナル 2019 医学書院

藤田幸男・室 繁郎, ガイドラインに基づくCOPDの診断と治療 2019 医学書院

春成加奈子・藤田幸男・吉川雅則・室繁郎. 日本人対象エビデンスの重要性 2019 医薬ジャーナル社

室 繁郎. 5.慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)今日の処方 改訂第6版 南江堂



藤田幸男, 吉川雅則, 木村弘. 11.呼吸器疾患 2018 羊土社

藤田幸男、吉川雅則. 3.呼吸器疾患 ①慢性閉塞性肺疾患 病態栄養ガイドブック 改定第6版 2018 南江堂

山内基雄. 連載第5回呼吸機能検査:リアルワールドの睡眠呼吸障害診断-実臨床に生かす睡眠検査前のSAS疑診テクニック- 睡眠医療 2018

Kawai N, Kawaguchi T, Tojo T, Osa T, Yamamoto Y, Yasukawa M, Sawabata N, Taniguchi S. Endobronchial Watanabe Spigots for Treatment of Pyopneumothorax due to Nontuberculous Mycobacteriosis in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report Based on Past Experience. Case Rep Pulmonol 2018

藤田幸男、吉川雅則、木村弘. 栄養療法 最新醫學別冊 診断と治療のABC 140 慢性閉塞性疾患(COPD) 最新医学社

山本佳史,室繁郎. 薬剤の選択 最新醫學別冊 診断と治療のABC 140 慢性閉塞性疾患(COPD) 最新医学社

高橋輝一,山内基雄,藤田幸男,吉川雅則,片山久美子,木村弘. 重症の閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸を伴わない肥満低換気症候群の1例 2018 奈良医学雑誌

山内基雄 アンチテーゼとしての難治性呼吸器疾患の個別化医療 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群のフェノタイプに対応した個別化治療への道 THE LUNG perspectives 2018 メディカルレビュー社

Uyama H, Yamauchi M, Fujita Y, Yoshikawa M, Ohnishi Y, Kimura H. The effects of accompanying arousal to apneic event on blood pressure and sympathetic nerve activity in severe obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath. 2018;22:149-155.

COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)診断と治療のためのガイドライン第5版 日本呼吸器学会COPDガイドライン第5版作成委員会編 COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)診断と治療のためのガイドライン第5版 メディカルレビュー社 2018

Radiologic and Functional Analysis of Compensatory Lung Growth After Living-Donor Lobectomy. Shikuma K, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Oguma T, Kubo T, Ohata K, Hamaji M, Kawaguchi A, Motoyama H, Hijiya K, Aoyama A, Matsumoto H, Muro S, Date H. Ann Thorac Surg 2018

Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome in patients with airflow limitation in Japan. Muro S Respiratory Investigation 2018

Complementary regional heterogeneity information from COPD patients obtained using oxygen-enhanced MRI and chest CT. Fuseya Y, Muro S, Sato S, Tanabe N, Sato A, Tanimura K, Hasegawa K, Uemasu K, Kubo T, Kido A, Fujimoto K, Fushimi Y, Kusahara H, Sakashita N, Ohno Y,, Togashi K, Mishima M, Hirai T. PLoS One 2018

Clinical significance of radiological pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis pattern in interstitial lung disease patients registered for lung transplantation: a retrospective cohort study. Tanizawa K, Handa T, Kubo T, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Aoyama A, Motoyama H, Hijiya K, Yoshizawa A, Oshima Y, Ikezoe K, Tokuda S, Nakatsuka Y, Murase Y, Nagai S, Muro S, Oga T, Chin K, Hirai T, Date H. Respiratory Research 2018

Annual decline in arterial blood oxygen predicts development of chronic respiratory failure in COPD with mild hypoxaemia: A 6-year follow-up study. Uemasu K, Sato S, Muro S, Sato A, Tanabe N, Hasegawa K, Hamakawa Y, Mizutani T, Fuseya Y, Tanimura K, Takahashi T, Hirai T. Respirology 2018

CT-Based Low-Attenuation Super Clusters in 3D and the Progression of Emphysema. Mondoñedo JR, Sato S, Oguma T, Muro S, Sonnenberg AH, Zeldich D, Parameswaran H, Hirai T, Suki B. Chest 2018

Effects of acupuncture on nutritional state of patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): re-analysis of COPD acupuncture trial, a randomized controlled trial. Suzuki M, Muro S, Fukui M, Ishizaki N, Sato S, Shiota T, Endo K, Suzuki T, Mitsuma T, Mishima M, Hirai T. BMC Complement Altern Med 2018

Quantitative measurement of airway dimensions using ultra-high resolution computed tomography. Tanabe N, Oguma T, Sato S, Kubo T, Kozawa S, Shima H, Koizumi K, Sato A, Muro S, Togashi K, Hirai T. Respiratory Investigation 2018

Gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and nasal symptoms affect the severity of bronchitis symptoms in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Hasegawa K, Sato S, Tanimura K, Fuseya Y, Uemasu K, Hamakawa Y, Sato A, Mishima M, Muro S, Hirai T Respiratory Investigation 2018

第4章 管理・治療  栄養療法 藤田幸男、𠮷川雅則 2018 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD) 最新医学社

高齢者疾患の予防・治療に向けたサルコペニア対策 COPD 吉川雅則、藤田幸男、山本佳史 診断と治療 2018 診断と治療社

呼吸リハビリテーションに関するステートメント 植木 純、神津 玲、大平哲郎、桂 秀樹、黒澤 一、安藤守秀、佐野裕子、佐野恵美香、石川 朗、高橋仁美、北川知佳、玉木 彰、関川清一、吉川雅則、津田 徹 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 2018



Yoshikawa M, Yamamoto Y, Tomoda K, Fujita Y, Yamauchi M, Osa T, Uyama H, Okamoto N, Kurumatani N, Kimura H. Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in independent community- dwelling elderly. The Fujiwara-kyo Study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2017;17:2421-2426.

Smid DE, Franssen FME, Kimura H, Yoshikawa M, et al. Redefining cut-points for high symptom burden of the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease classification in 18,577 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disrase. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017;18(12): 1097.e11- 1097.e24.

Kai Y, Tomoda K, Yoneyama H, Kitabatake M, Nakamura A, Ito T, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H. Silencing of carbohydrate sulfotransferase 15 hinders murine pulmonary fibrosis development. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2017;6:163-172.

Fujita Y, Yamauchi M, Uyama H, Kumamoto M, Koyama N, Yoshikawa M, Strohl KP, Kimura H. Variability of breathing during wakefulness while using CPAP predicts adherence. Respirology. 2017; 22: 386-393.

Tohda Y, Iwanaga T, Sano H, Kume H, Hirata K, Ohkura N, Tachibana I, Nishimura Y, Matsumoto H, Minakata Y, Yoshikawa M, Fujimura M. Improved quality of life in asthma patients under long-term therapy: Assessed by AHQ-Japan. Int J Clin Pract. 2017;71:e12898.



Koguchi N, Okada A, Choh S, Katayama K, Takenaka H, Tomoda K, Kimura H:Concomitant Systemic Sclerosis and Sarcoidosis with Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema. Intern Med. 2016;55:1331-1335.

Fujita Y, Yamauchi M, Uyama H, Kumamoto M, Koyama N, Yoshikawa M, Strohl KP, Kimura H:Variability of breathing during wakefulness while using CPAP predicts adherence. Respirology. 2016 (in press)

Yamauchi M, Combs D, Parthasarathy S. Adaptive Servo-Ventilation for Central Sleep Apnea in Heart Failure:N Engl J Med. 2016;374:689.

Strohl KP, Baskin JZ, Lance C, Ponsky D, Weidenbecher M, Strohl M, Yamauchi M:Origins of and implementation concepts for upper airway stimulation therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. Respiratory Investigation. 2016;54:241-249.

Kumamoto M, Tomoda K, Furuya Y, Iwasa N, Ueno S, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Hypertrophic pachymeningitis as a delayed complication of granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Intern Med. 2016;55:413-417.

Ota M, Mochizuki S, Shimoda M, Abe H, Miyamae Y, Ishii K, Kimura H, Okada Y:ADAM23 is downregulated in side population and suppresses lung metastasis of lung carcinoma cells. Cancer Sci. 2016;107:433-443.



Kai Y, Tomoda K, Yoneyama H, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:RNA interference targeting carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 diminishes macrophage accumulation, inhibits MMP-9 expression and promotes lung recovery in murine pulmonary emphysema. Respir Res. 2015;16(1):146.

Iwai K, Tomoda K, Nakai T, Kimura H:A Hypopharyngeal Lipoma Resulting in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Intern Med. 2015;54(21):2789-2790.

Yamauchi M, Fujita Y, Kumamoto M, Yoshikawa M, Ohnishi Y, Nakano H, Strohl KP, Kimura H:Nonrapid Eye Movement-Predominant Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Detection and Mechanism. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015;11:987-993.

Katayama K, Tomoda K, Ohya T, Asada H, Ohbayashi C, Kimura H:Ground-glass opacities and a solitary nodule on chest in intravascular large B-cell lymphoma. Respirology Case Reports. 2015;3:108-111.

Tomoda K, Kubo K, Dairiki K, Yamaji T, Yamamoto Y, Nishii Y, Nakamura A, Yoshikawa M, Hamada K, Kimura H:Whey peptide-based enteral diet attenuate elastase-induced emphysema with increase in short chain fatty acids in mice. BMC pulm Med. 2015;15:64 DOI 10.1186/s12890-015-0059-2.

Matsumoto N, Miki K, Tsubouchi H, Sakamoto A, Arimura Y, Yanagi S, Iiboshi H, Yoshida M, Souma R, Ishimoto H, Yamamoto Y, Yatera K, Yoshikawa M, Sagara H, Iwanaga T, Mukae H, Maekura R, Kimura H, Nakazato M, Kangawa K:Ghrelin Administration for Chronic Respiratory Failure: A Randomized Dose-Comparison Trial. Lung. 2015;193:239-247.

Tanabe N, Taniguchi H, Tsujino I, Sakamaki F, Emoto N, Kimura H, Takamura K, Hanaoka M, Nishimura M, TatsumiK, the JRS Lung Disease PH Study Group:Multi-institutional retrospective cohort study of patients with severe pulmonary hypertension associated with respiratory diseases. Respirology. 2015; 20:805-812.

Miura S, Ohno Y, Kimura H, Kichikawa K:Quantitative lung perfused blood volume imaging on dual-energy CT: capability for quantitative assessment of disease severity in patients with acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Acta Radiol. 2015; 56:284-293.



Decker M, Yamauchi M, Strohl KP:Keep the airway open and let the brain sleep. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014;190:1207-1209.

Morioka T, Sakabe M, Ioka T, Iguchi T, Mizuta K, Hattammaru M, Sakai C, Itoh M, Sato GE, Hashimoto A, Fujita M, Okumura K, Araki M, Xin M, Pedersen RA, Utset MF, Kimura H, Nakagawa O:An important role of endothelial hairy-related transcription factors in mouse vascular development. Genesis. 2014;52(11):897-906.

Tanabe N, Taniguchi H, Tsujino I, Sakamaki F, Emoto N, Kimura H, Miyaji K, Takamura K, Hayashi S, Hanaoka M, Tatsumi K:Current trends in the management of pulmonary hypertension associated with respiratory disease in institutions approved by the Japanese Respiratory Society. Respir Invest. 2014;52:167-172.

Tomoda K, Kubo K, Hino K, Kondoh Y, Nishii Y, Koyama N, Yamamoto Y, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Branched-chain amino acid-rich diet improves skeletal muscle wasting caused by cigarette smoke in rats. J Toxicol Sci. 2014;39(2):331-337.

Yoshikawa M, Fujita Y, Yamamoto Y, Yamauchi M, Tomoda K, Koyama N, Kimura H: The Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-form predicts exacerbation frequency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology. 2014;19(8):1198-1203.

Yamauchi M, Jacono FJ, Fujita Y, Kumamoto M, Yoshikawa M, Campanaro CK, Loparo KA, Strohl KP, Kimura H:Effects of environment light during sleep on autonomic functions of heart rate and breathing. Sleep Breath. 2014; 18:829-835.

Uno K, Kasahara K, Kutsuna S, Katanami Y, Yamamoto Y, Maeda K, Konishi M, Ogawa T, Yoneda T, Yoshida K, Kimura H, Mikasa K: Infective endocarditis and meningitis due to Scedosporium prolificans in a renal transplant recipient. J Infact Chemother. 2014; 20:131-133.

Yamamoto Y, Yoshikawa M, Tomoda K, Fujita Y, Yamauchi M, Fukuoka A, Tamaki S, Koyama N, Kimura H: Distribution of bone mineral content is associated with body weight and exercise capacity in patients with COPD. Respiration. 2014;87:158-164.

Yamauchi M, Jacono FJ, Fujita Y, Kumamoto M, Yoshikawa M, Campanaro CK, Loparo KA, Strohl KP, Kimura H: Effects of environment light during sleep on autonomic functions of heart rate and breathing. Sleep And Breathing. 2014;18(4):829-835.

Yoshikawa M, Yamauchi M, Fujita Y, Koyama N, Fukuoka A, Tamaki S, Yamamoto Y, Tomoda K, Kimura H: The Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Nasal CPAP on Circulating Adiponectin Levels. Lung. 2014;192(2):289-295.

Ramsey R, Khanna A, Yamauchi M, Clinical Evaluations of the Patient. In: Strohl KP, ed:Competencies in Sleep Medicine -An Assessment Guide-: Springer New York. 2014;109-127.



Tomoda K, Kimura H, Osaki S:Distribution of collagen fiber orientation in the human lung. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2013;296(5):846-850.

Yamauchi M, Jacono FJ, Fujita Y, Yoshikawa M, Ohnishi Y, Nakano H, Campanaro CK, Loparo KA, Strohl KP, Kimura H:Breathing irregularity during wakefulness associated with CPAP acceptance in sleep apnea. Sleep Breath.2013;17(2):845-852.

NakamuraA, Nagaya N, Obata H, Sakai K, Sakai Y, Yoshikawa M, Hamada K, Matsumoto K, Kimura H:Oral administration of a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist with thromboxane synthase inhibitory activity for pulmonary arterial hypertension.Circ J.2013;77(8):2127-2133.

Kyotani Y, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Zhao J, Ozawa K, Nagayama K, Ito S, Takasawa S, Kimura H, Uno M, Yoshizumi M:Intermittent hypoxia induces the proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cell with the increases in epidermal growth factor family and erbB2 receptor.Exp Cell Res. 2013;319:3042-3050.

Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka S, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Miyaoka T, Fujimura T, Tsujinaka H, Yoshimoto K, Nakagawara K, Tamaki S, Takasawa S, Kimura H:Pancreatic β cell proliferation by intermittent hypoxia via up-regulation of Reg family genes and HGF gene.Life Sci. 2013;93:664-672.



Gillombardo CB, Yamauchi M, Adams MD, Dostal J, Chai S, Moore MW, Donovan LM, Han F, Strohl KP:Identification of novel mouse genes conferring posthypoxic pauses. J Appl Physiol. 2012; 113:167-174.

Yamauchi M, Strohl KP:A 20-year-old man with morning headache, excessive daytime sleepiness, heavy snoring, and apnea during sleep. In: Basner RC, ed. Case Studies in Polysomnography Interpretation: Cambridge University Press, 2012:137.

Morita K, Nakamine H, Inoue R, Takano M, Takeda M, Enomoto Y, Kasai T, Nonomura A, Tanaka H, Amano I, Morii T, Kimura H:Autopsy case of primary myelofibrosis in which myeloid sarcoma was the initial manifestation of tumor progression. Pathol Int.2012;62(6):433-437.

Miki K, Maekura R, Nagaya N, Nakazato M, Kimura H, Murakami S, Ohnishi S, Hiraga T, Miki M, Kitada S, Yoshimura K, Tateishi Y, Arimura Y, Matsumoto N, Yoshikawa M, Yamahara K, Kangawa K:Ghrelin treatment of cachectic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.PLoS One. 2012; 7:e35708.

Tomoda K, Kubo K, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Nishii Y, Yamamoto Y, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Suppressed anti-oxidant capacity due to a cellulose-free diet declines further by cigarette smoke in mice. J Toxicol Sci. 2012;37:575-585.

Hasegawa K, K Kimura H, Bando YK, Takahashi Y, Wada H, Fujita M:Tobacco, Cardiopulmonary Vascular Disease, and Aging. Anti-aging Medicine. 2012;9:51-60.

Koyama N, Matsumoto M, Tamaki S, Yoshikawa M, Fujimura Y, Kimura H:Reduced larger VWF multimers at dawn in OSA plasmas reflect severity of apneic episodes. Eur Respir J. 2012;40:657-664.

Okada H, Hontsu S, Miura S, Asakawa I, Tamamoto T, Katayama E, Iwasaki S, Kimura H, Kichikawa K, Hasegawa M:Changes of tumor size and tumor contrast enhancement during radiothrapy for non-small-cell lung cancer may be suggestive of treatment response. J Radia Res. 2012;53:326-332.

Ota H, Tamaki S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Morioka T, Takasawa S, Kimura H:Attenuation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by intermittent hypoxia via down-regulation of CD38. Life Sci. 2012;90:206-211.

Tomoda K, Kubo K, Nishii Y, Yamamoto Y, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Changes of ghrelin and leptin levels in plasma by cigarette smoke in rats. J Toxicol Sci. 2012;37:131-138.

Tomita K, Sano H, Iwanaga T, Ishihara K, Ichinose M, Kawase I, Kimura H, Hirata K, Fujimura M, Mishima M, Tohda Y:Association between episodes of upper respiratory infection and exacerbations in adult patients with asthma. J Asthma. 2012;49:253-259.



Yamauchi M, Tamaki S, Yoshikawa M, Ohnishi Y, Nakano H, Jacono FJ, Loparo KA, Strohl KP, Kimura H:Differences in breathing patterning during wakefulness in patients with mixed apnea-dominant vs obstructive-dominant sleep apnea. Chest.2011;140:54-61.

Tasaki M, Shimada K, Kimura H, Tsujikawa K, Konishi N:Alkbh3, a human alkb homologue, contributes to cell survival in human non-small-cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer. 2011;104:700-706.

Tomoda K, Kubo K, Asahara T, Andoh A, Nomoto K, Nishii Y, Yamamoto Y, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Cigarette smoke decreases organic acids levels and population of bifidobacterium in the caecum of rats. J Toxicol Sci. 2011;36:261-266.

Maruyama H, Toyoda- Hirana Y, Nakamura T, Enomoto Y, Hamada K, Kimura H:An autopsy case of porto- pulmonary hypertension associated with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Journal of Nara Medical Association. 2011;62:81-87.

Yoshikawa M, Koyama N, Hontsu S, Yamamoto Y, Mikasa K, Kimura H:Lessons from eight cases of adult pulmonary toxocariasis: abridged republication. Respirology.2011;16:1014-1015.



Yamauchi M, Kimura H, Strohl KP:Mouse models of apnea:strain differences in apnea expression and its pharmacologic and genetic modification. Adv Exp Med Biol.2010;669:303-307.

Kimura H, Toga H, Yamaya M, Mishima M, Nukiwa T, Kudo S:Current Situations and Issues in Respiratory Medicine in Japan. Japan Medical Association Journal.2010:53:178-184.



Tamaki S, Yamauchi M, Fukuoka A, Makinodan K, Koyama N, Tomoda K, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Production of inflammatory mediators by monocytes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Intern Med. 2009;48:1255-1262.

Kumamoto M, Nishiwaki T, Matsuo N, Kimura H, Matsushima K:Minimally-cultured bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate fibrotic lung injury. Eur Respir J.2009;34:740-748.

Tamaki S, Yamauchi M, Fukuoka A, Makinodan K, Koyama N, Tomoda K, Yoshikawa M, Kimura H:Nocturnal hypoxic stress activates invasive ability of monocytes in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Respirology. 2009;14:689-694.

Takegami M, Hayashino Y, Chin K, Sokejima S, Kadotani H, Akashiba T, Kimura H, Ohi M, Fukuhara S:Simple four-variable screening tool for identification of patients with sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep. 2009;32:939-948.

Yamamoto Y, Konoike Y, Nakamine H, Nakamura S, Morii T, Kimura H:Multiple myeloma with a variant Burkitt-type translocation, t(2;8)(p12;q24), associated with hyperammonemia. Intern Med. 2009;48:1239-1242.



Yamauchi M, Ocak H, Dostal J, Jacono FJ, Loparo KA, Strohl KP:Post-sigh breathing behavior and spontaneous pauses in the C57BL/6J (B6) mouse. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008; 162:117-125.

Yamauchi M, Dostal J, Strohl KP:Post-hypoxic unstable breathing in the C57BL/6J mouse: effects of acetazolamide. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2008; 605:75-79.

Makinodan K, Itoh T, Tomoda K, Tamaki S, Koyama N, Yoshikawa M, Hamada K, Kimura H:Acute pulmonary thromboembolism associated with interstitial pneumonia. Intern Med. 2008,47:647-650.

Yamauchi M, Dostal J, Kimura H, Strohl KP:Effects of buspirone on posthypoxic ventilatory behavior in the C57BL/6J and A/J mouse strains. J Appl Physiol. 2008, 105:518-526.

Yamauchi M, Kimura H:Oxidative stress in obstructive sleep apnea: putative pathways to the cardiovascular complications. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2008, 10:755-768.

Kitamura K, Asada H, Iida H, Fukumoto T, Kobayashi N, Niizeki H, Morii T, Kimura H, Miyagawa S:Relationship among human herpesvirus 6 reactivation, serum interleukin 10 levels, and rash/graft-versus-host disease after allogenic stem cell transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008, 58:802-809.

Suzaki Y, Hamada K, Nomi T, Ito T, Sho M, Kai Y, Nakajima Y, Kimura H:A small-molecule compound targeting CCR5 and CXCR3 prevents the development of asthma. Eur Respir J. 2008, 31:783-789.

Makinodan K, Yoshikawa M, Fukuoka A, Tamaki S, Koyama N, Yamauchi M, Tomoda K, Hamada K, Kimura H:Effect of serum leptin levels on hypercapnic ventilatory response in obstructive sleep apnea. Respiration. 2008, 75:257-264.



Yamauchi M, Han F, Strohl KP:Apnea and irregular breathing in animal models: a physiogenomic approach. In: Gaultier C, ed. Genetic Basis for Respiratory Control Disorders New York: Springer. 2007; 137-151.

Yamauchi M, Dostal J, Strohl KP:Acetazolamide protects against posthypoxic unstable breathing in the C57BL/6J mouse. J Appl Physiol. 2007; 103:1263-1268.

Strohl KP, Yamauchi M, Dick TE:Loop Gain and Sleep Disordered Breathing Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews. 2007; 3:85-92.

Kai Y, Yoneyama H, Koyama J, Hamada K, Kimura H, Matsushima K:Treatment with chondroitinase ABC alleviates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Med Mol Morphol. 2007, 40:128-140.

Tomoda K, Yoshikawa M, Itoh T, Tamaki S, Fukuoka A, Komeda K, Kimura H:Elevated circulating plasma adiponectin in underweight patients with COPD. Chest. 2007, 132:135-140.

Itoh T, Obata H, Murakami S, Hamada K, Kangawa K, Kimura H, Nagaya N:Adrenomedullin ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in rats. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2007, 293:L446-452.

Takeda M, Arao T, Yokote H, Komatsu T, Yanagihara K, Sasaki H, Yamada Y, Tamura T, Fukuoka K, Kimura H, Saijo N, Nishio K:AZD2171 shows potent antitumor activity against gastric cancer over-expressing fibroblast growth factor receptor 2/keratinocyte growth factor receptor. Clin Cancer Res. 2007, 13:3051-3057.

Hamada K, Suzaki Y, Leme A, Ito T, Miyamoto K, Kobzik L, Kimura H:Exposure of pregnant mice to an air pollutant aerosol increases asthma susceptibility in offspring. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2007, 70:688-695.

Miyawaki S, Kawai Y, Takeshita A, Komatsu N, Usui N, Arai Y, Ishida F, Morii T, Kano Y, Ogura M, Doki N, Ohno R:Phase I trial of flagm with high doses of cytosine arabinoside for relapsed, refractory acute myeloid leukemia: study of the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group (JALSG). Int J Hematol. 2007, 86:343-347.

Yanada M, Jinnai I, Takeuchi J, Ueda T, Miyawaki S, Tsuzuki M, Hatta Y, Usui N, Wada H, Morii T, Matsuda M, Kiyoi H, Okada M, Honda S, Miyazaki Y, Ohno R, Naoe T:Clinical features and outcome of t-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults: a low initial white blood cell count, as well as a high count predict decreased survival rates. Leuk Res. 2007, 31:907-914.



Miyamoto K, Iwase M, Nyui M, Arata S, Sakai Y, Gabazza EC, Kimura H, Homma I:Histamine type 1 receptor deficiency reduces airway inflammation in a murine asthma model. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2006;140:215-222.

Yamauchi M, Tamaki S, Tomoda K, Yoshikawa M, Fukuoka A, Makinodan K, Koyama N, Suzuki T, Kimura H:Evidence for activation of nuclear factor kappaB in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath. 2006, 10:189-193.

Murakami S, Kimura H, Kangawa K, Nagaya N:Physiological significance and therapeutic potential of adrenomedullin in pulmonary hypertension. Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 2006, 6:125-132.

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